90 seconds

90 seconds
The world has changed dramatically.
It is changing every single second.
All the “usual” became unusual by appearance of COVID-19
We were living in the “Normal” life as everything is ordinary.
People who you usually meet,
Places where you go normally,
The station you used to use everyday,
All the sudden, everything around us became something very far from us.
At the same time,
All the things we tended to escape from came close to us.
Then, I now need to face my feelings.
It is mentioned in the study by Harvard brain scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, that it takes 90 seconds for us to understand our emotions and feelings.
As we say “No snowflakes fall in the same spot.”
What we feel and think about things around us have special aspects.
In that way, No one is supposed to be judged as a normal human being.
I believe that everyone is peculiar and special.
They might be a sign of our purpose of existence.
All the sensitive and special feelings in your heart turns into some different shapes as if spontaneous action, pride, motivation, and so on.
They could become anger, sadness, loneliness, and joy.
Those emotions will be judged and empathised by other people, once they are out of your body.
They are fragile, sensitive, and peculiar.
How are you facing your own emotions and feelings?
In this opportunity, I am exhibiting the works which was reflected by the emotions I had in “90 seconds” in my daily life.
・Illustration: the moment I felt the emotions (Happening)
・Poem: the thought I had with the emotions.
I hope you enjoy seeing my work and get to know how one human being is facing her own emotions.
In the end, I sincerely hope all the work will be delivered to your heart, and it will support your heart no matter how it is.
Yumeka Saito