Day 54
Once in a life time

Hello everyone, or good evening?
Lately, I’ve been too busy to take my time to think, and that’s making both my health and mind tired a bit…(maybe not a bit lol) I know everyone feels like this but this isn’t healthy at all. If you have any advice, please let me know…
Ok! This time, I will continue writing about what happened when applying to the Universities in the UK.
【 Potential 】
I sent my application to 5 universities, and fortunately, I received an interview from them.
I prepared my portfolio and all the answers that could be asked in the interview… As I wasn’t confident about my English, I wrote out all the answers and tried to memorise them. Lol Which I eventually found out was useless…
My first choice of university was “The Camberwell college of the University of the Arts London (UAL)”, which is known as the world's highest illustration course. It was a very competitive course as many people from all over the world apply to this course.
On the day of the interview at the UAL, I remember my closest friend came along with me to cheer me up. Because of her, I managed to go to the interview without feeling too nervous.
At the interview, my interviewer took only like 10 seconds to see all of my portfolios, and she asked me 2 or 3 questions. Then she told me if I pass or not.
I remember that she said “Sorry, I’m used to seeing this. So don’t worry.” To be honest, I was surprised because I was expecting to be asked many questions about my works, but it didn’t go as I was imagining.
Fortunately, I could get into the university.
However, I knew I wasn’t more skilled or more creative than other people in my language school… so that result was more than I expected to be honest.
When the interviewer told me that the university wants me to study there, I felt like I was finally released from the anxiety and the doubt of my confidence.
Even now, as well as that time, there are people who find my potential and support me to widen my view and future path. I truly feel grateful to meet them and I can never forget their support, no matter what happens in my future.
OK! That’s it for today!
In the next blog, I would like to write about my life in Oxford after settling all the university applications.
Thank you for reading my blog until the end!
See you next week and have a great weekend (^D^)/~♪