Day 31
Art in me

Hello everyone, or good evening?
My solo exhibition will be held in Nagoya in March! I will be exhibiting my work from the 31st of March till the end of April. I hope the situation with the virus will be better by then…
Ok! In this blog, I would like to write about how I found my future path while studying in High school. I would like to write down what I have decided and how I ended up deciding so.
【 Decision 】
It was around summer when I noticed that I have more than one path to the future and I just need the courage to step forward.
I originally had this “Life plan” which I made when I was 14 years old.
In that plan, I was writing; To go to a University in the U.K.
However, I wasn’t sure which university I want to go to, what kind of job I want to get after university, and how I want to live my life...
I was feeling anxious about the fact that things are not clear, but I started researching everything I can withholding all the advice in my mind.
While researching, I had something vague for a long time.. which was…
“What do I want to do really?”
“What makes me happy?”
Those two were not clear at all.
Even though I had plenty of time to think about it when I was in high school,
I sometimes get lost by thinking too much. BUT, there was one thing that came out clearly in my head. It was that...
“ I love Art.”
Since when I was in kindergarten, I had been experiencing many kinds of things that I can’t control by myself. So I used to take time to draw to organise what I am feeling and why I felt so. And that was a pleasant moment for me.
Also, the experience in the U.S and the fact that I used to go to the museum often made me feel love and passion towards Art, as I often felt so relieved when I’m in the museum..( supposedly not many people feels “relieved” in a museum lol)
When I encounter my favuorite artwork, I can feel “beauty” in it without any disruption.
That pure and genuine moment was very precious to me. It is as if I feel so grateful that I was born in this world and living this moment with such beautiful things around me.
I even feel so still now.
What I want to say is that this precious moment gave me a joy of light in my short life, and that, I felt, is very important.
I wasn’t that good at drawing, but all those feelings are the reason why I was so attracted to the field of Art. I desperately wanted to know more about that field at that time.
All in all, that’s the reason why I decided to go for the path of “Art”.
Ok!, that’s it for today! I couldn’t make it short this time.. thank you for spare your time for reading my blog!
In the next blog, I will write about how I decided on the university I wanted to go to. And Why I chose the U.K. for university education.
Thank you for reading till the end always!(^O^/☆
See you next Wednesday and have a good rest of the week!